Specialist Support Coordination and Support Coordination

Positive Behavior Support Services

Vision Health Support Coordinators assist participant and their families to build the skills needed to navigate the complex world of NDIS, understand and implement your NDIS plan. Our Support Coordinators will help you better understand your NDIS plan, support on how to manage your funding and assist you to navigate how to access NDIS services and other mainstream support to ensure you are receiving the most supports identified in your NDIS plan. In addition, some of the varied and important supports and assistance of Specialist Support Coordination and Support Coordination include; 

  • Support you to engage with service providers of your choice, ensuring that services are specific to your needs and in line with your NDIS goals.
  • Assist with the establishment of support for participants to build informal supports and networks within their neighbourhood and community.
  • Assist and support in resolving complex issues and challenges to living a life of full potential.
  • Reporting to the NDIA 
  • Provide active support for capacity building for independence
  • Support during and after Crisis Situations – plan, prevent, alleviate the uncertainties in any given situation.
  • To act in a participant’s best interest